
OJESH® Lifting Treatment Hyaluronic Acid Serum

Original price was: $38.00.Current price is: $33.00.

Vitalising serum with hyaluronic acid boosts the skin’s moisture content. Our innovative lifting formula combines active ingredients including hyaluronic acid, natural firming substances and plant extracts with the effects of so-called NMF (Natural Moisturizing Factor) components. Hyaluronic acid can intervene in this process, gently, subtly and as needed, to plump up wrinkles from within, with no side effects. For the products in the LIFTING range from OJESH® we have developed a formula with different proportions of hyaluronic acid to offer just the level of skin care you need. The combination of hyaluronic acid with natural ingredients and highly effective plant extracts — such as Alpine edelweiss, whose active ingredients intercept harmful free radicals to lastingly reduce skin ageing — has nourishing, protective and regenerating properties, which smooth out fine lines and keep skin firm. What’s more, our active-ingredient complex stimulates the skin’s natural repair mechanism and cell renewal, as tissue-strengthening effects can also unfold in the lower layers of the skin. •Deeply Moisturizer & Hydrating •Lock moisture & Supple your skin all day  •Smooth fine lines •Minimize Pores •Firming & Lifting


7支裝經典裝 (含7支 1ml ojesh玻尿酸) 全世界分子比重最小Mini HA納米分子玻尿酸原​​液 吸收:納米小分子玻尿酸原​​液可以深層滲透到皮膚基底第五層, 補水又保濕 效果:有效的美白、保濕、補水、祛斑、祛皺等功效。 高活性、抗氧化、安全高效、穩定性強、無過敏源,無任何副作用,不含人工色素、不含激素類原料、不含礦物油、不含漂白物質、不含人工防腐劑


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OJESH® is the world’s first small nano-molecule hyaluronic acid which has the smallest molecular weight in the market. It is very easy to absorb and penetrates directly to skin dermis layers to achieve real moisturizing.

Strong stability. No allergen or side effect. Free of artificial preservatives. Free of artificial pigments and hormone-free raw materials. Zero mineral oil and bleaching substances.

Our innovative lifting formula combines active ingredients including hyaluronic acid, natural firming substances and plant extracts with the effects of so-called NMF (Natural Moisturizing Factor) components. Together, these leave the skin feeling soft and fresh. By stabilizing the moisture content via the top layer of the epidermis, they diminish fine lines and wrinkles caused by dryness. They also support cell activity to lastingly improve elasticity. The result is a smooth, even complexion that is a sign not only of external beauty but also of inner balance, of someone who is at peace with themselves and loves the skin they’re in.

How to use:

After cleansing the skin, carefully open one ampoule and apply the contents evenly to the face, neck, gently massaging in. Complete the care routine for a day or night cream if you wish. The ampoule treatment can be used as needed or as an intensive daily treatment for 7 -21 days.

All OJESH® products carry the Dermatest® seal of quality, which certifies their skin-compatibility. The Dermatest institute was founded in Münster, Germany, in 1978, and the expertise and reliability of its experienced dermatologists, allergists and biologists guarantee the scientific standards of dermatological safety ratings.

歐婭詩 OJESH 納米小分子玻尿酸

歐婭詩 (OJESH)玻尿酸保濕提拉精華液安瓶為德國亞森集團自主研發的高科技專利護膚產品,所有研發及生產均在德國完成。產品採用目前全世界分子比重最小的Mini HA納米分子玻尿酸原料,萃取歐洲特有的純天然阿爾卑斯雪山皇后—高山雪絨花植物菁萃,輔以哈佛大學醫學院皮膚病理學教授Prof. Dr. Dr. Schatton 獨家研發的的專利配方,通過HTN™技術使撼世精華有效成分以三倍以上的速度高效持久滲入皮膚深層真皮層,啟動肌膚生命能量,開啟美肌無限功能,綻放健康肌膚之美。產品特點:純天然、無添加、質地純,濃度高,分子量小,滲透力強,獨特的安瓶包裝設計保證了產品活性成分完全被吸收,實現瞬間緊致提拉,達到高效保濕護膚效果。滋潤補水緊致皮膚,幫助肌膚補充流失的玻尿酸,恢復膠原蛋白彈力,在皮膚表面形成一層薄膜,增強皮膚長時間鎖水能力,實現緊致提拉,還原充滿光澤的彈性美肌,同時解決皮膚乾燥,使肌膚煥發青春的光彩。


🌸全球首款納米級小分子玻尿酸, 目前全世界市場上分子量最小的, 所以非常容易吸收, 質地清爽, 濃度高, 天然植物萃取, 無添加, 絕無依賴性, 用得放心!!

* 深層補水、持久鎖水、撫平細紋、收縮毛孔、緊緻提拉
* 成分安全,防止皮膚變乾及暗唖
* 改善暗瘡、粒粒、毛孔粗大出油的情況
* 可以通過外部塗抹快速滲透到皮膚
* 真正保濕鎖水又可以填補流失的膠原蛋白
* 使肌膚恢復光澤彈性,煥發青春光彩

OJESH港澳版, 認住雷射標籤, 德國制造


規格:7支裝經典裝 (含7支 1ml ojesh玻尿酸)


高營養原料:目前全世界分子比重最小Mini HA納米分子玻尿酸原​​液 純破尿酸








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