
Andrea France Anti-Acne & Sensitive 3+2 Treatment法國雙層保濕抗敏精華

Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $36.00.

Andrea 🇫🇷 is originated in France.
. 3 kinds of highly effective anti-hypoallergenic ingredients
. 2 kinds of powerful moisturizing elements

Instant mixing maintains active ingredients in the serum. It also ensures long-lasting results while keeping ingredients fresh🌹.

It can relieve skin swelling and sensitivity discomfort as well as reduce the formation of acne and comedones.

來源於法國著名的廠家製造,全新混合式兩頭設計,3+2 TREATMENT 專為敏感肌膚而設。 ➡3種高效抗敏植物萃取 ➡2種強效保濕元素 兩段式針管設計,即時混合可保持精華中嘅活性成份,確保功效持久同保持成份新鮮。

3 in stock


One 15ml Ampoule in this packaging

Brief Introduction:

Andrea France 🇫🇷 is originated in France. It is manufactured by a well-known local manufacturer. It is a new hybrid two-head design. 3+2 TREATMENT is formulated for sensitive skin.

Two-stage syringe design

3 kinds of highly effective anti-sensitive plant extracts

2 kinds of powerful moisturizing elements

Instant mixing maintains active ingredients in the serum. It also ensures long-lasting results while keeping ingredients fresh🌹.

The new formula is light, hydrated and is not greasy. It can quickly penetrate through skin. Its light texture is praised by 90% of women.

💠3 kinds of highly effective anti-hypoallergenic ingredients 💠

  • Honeysuckle flowers
  • Purple sedge
  • Siberian cocklebur

It can relieve skin swelling and sensitivity discomfort as well as reduce the formation of acne and comedones. It can also help with discharging toxins from skin.

With deep repairing and soothing effects, it enhances skin’s barrier naturally✋🏻

With the other two kinds of anti-hypoallergenic plant extracts🌿, there is no need to deal with the trouble and discomfort caused by acne, pimple and sensitivity.

💎 It also contains 2 kinds of moisturizing ingredients with small molecules which keep skin dewy, moist and achieve insensitive state.

📒How to use

  • After cleansing your skin, apply toner first. 
  • Squeeze a proper amount of 3+2 essence and apply to the whole face for even application.


Andrea France 🇫🇷 是來源於法國,是在當地著名的廠家製造,全新混合式兩頭設計,3+2 TREATMENT 專為敏感肌膚而設。
在清潔面部後先塗抹爽膚水,然後直接擠出適量 3+2 精華至全面並均勻塗抹,待精華完全吸收後,再使用日常面霜或乳霜即可。


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