Japan Tezoo Beautifying Loose Setting Powder 日本美容級矽針碎粉


Introducing Japan’s latest innovation: ⭐️ #BEAUTY GRADE SILICONE NEEDLE POWDER‼️ While traditional makeup can often harm your skin, our silicone needle powder promises to enhance your complexion with each use!👏👏

Our cosmetics not only beautify but also nurture your skin. By infusing 💦hyaluronic acid and collagen⭐️⭐️, your makeup remains flawless and effortlessly blends into your skin. This silky powder with a touch of sheer coverage to set and maintain makeup for up to 16 hours of wear with a soft-focus finish


A sheer base that suits any skin tone. Thoroughly moisturizes and smooths dry skin. Fine-grained powder provides a thick coating and effectively covers skin imperfections. It gives you a smooth feeling, just like your skin.


Lavender hue with a pearl texture that leaves your skin radiant and luminous. This versatile shade elevates your overall complexion, doubling as both a highlighter and contour. Enhanced by its superior coverage and lavender tone, our powder refines and smoothens your skin, offering transparent and controlled color effects.‼️

Featuring 5 potent beauty ingredients”

  1. VCIP – A rare and precious ingredient, surpassing traditional Vitamin C in effectiveness. It swiftly penetrates the skin, lightening spots and inhibiting melanin production.
  2. HYALURONIC ACID – Locks in moisture, enhancing skin elasticity and reducing wrinkles. Its hydrating properties aid in cell repair and wound recovery.
  3. VITAMIN E – Known for its antioxidant properties, Vitamin E repairs and protects the skin, diminishing wrinkles and improving elasticity while shielding against UV damage.
  4. ROYAL JELLY – Rich in nutrients, it rejuvenates the skin, diminishing fine lines and moisturizing dry skin, with added benefits for eczema and acne.
  5. CHLORELLA – Accelerates skin metabolism, reduces pore size, lightens spots, and diminishes wrinkles, preserving youthful and radiant skin.

Instructions for use: ✔️Use as ordinary powder for a flawless finish ✔️Ideal as a makeup setting powder ✔️Can be applied directly over sunscreen ✔️Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin

Crafted in Japan, our silicone needle powder is your key to flawless, nourished skin!

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日本全新產品   美容級矽針碎粉 平時化妝有機會令皮膚唔好,但係今次呢個矽針碎粉 越用皮膚越好

化妝品都可以幫你護膚 化妝時,不停注入透明質酸同骨膠原!! 令妝溶 keep 住 無甘易溶妝


1.  VCIP 係一個非常罕有超貴嘅成份

超越 維他命c 多多聲 ,  滲透快,透皮性更好, 也具有美白,還有淡斑功效, 能抑制細胞內活性淡化黑色素的生成

 2.⁠ ⁠透明質酸 

為皮膚鎖住水份,具有保濕作用, 令皮膚具有彈性,減少出現皺紋

屬於關節的滑膜液及軟骨的主要成份,能增加滑膜液的粘度,促進其潤滑功能,也可為軟骨留住水份,有滋潤關節,令關節活動時有吸震作用. 有助細胞修復,加快傷口復原,減少疤痕

3. 維他命E 

維生素E對皮膚具有廣泛的好處,從其強效的抗氧化特性到對皮膚的修復和保護作用。 它不僅可以減少皺紋和細紋的出現,還能夠改善皮膚的彈性和光澤,同時提供保護性屏障,預防紫外線和環境損傷

4. 蜂王漿攝取物 

蜂王漿蘊含豐富營養,具有賦活功效,非常適合用於日常護膚流程,以撃退幼紋,滋潤乾燥肌膚。 它甚至對濕疹和暗瘡也有一定的功效

5. 小球藻攝取物  



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