SLISWISS 拉皮眼機 + HIFU 電眼凝膠



Sliswiss 拉皮眼機 + HIFU 電眼凝膠是一款多功能眼部護理儀器,可以幫助改善眼周問題,如淚溝、眼袋、黑眼圈等。


  1. 溫暖微暖:排毒眼模式
  2. EMS 微電流:收緊眼模式
  3. 震動排毒:通淋巴模式
  4. 彩光美肌:美容光子模式


  • NMN(煙酰胺單核苷酸):可以促進細胞再生,改善肌膚彈性和緊緻度。
  • 白藜蘆醇:可以抗氧化,減少自由基的產生,延緩肌膚衰老。
  • 透明質酸:可以補水保濕,滋潤眼周肌膚。
  • 維生素C:可以提亮膚色,減少黑眼圈。
  • 維生素E:可以抗氧化,保護眼周肌膚免受自由基的傷害。


  1. 清潔眼周肌膚。
  2. 取適量NMN白藜蘆醇HIFU電眼凝膠塗抹在眼周肌膚上。
  3. 使用Sliswiss吸晴眼機按摩眼周肌膚,每個部位按摩10秒鐘。
  4. 每天使用一次,連續使用4周。


  • 在使用眼部護理儀器之前,請務必清潔眼周肌膚,以避免細菌感染。
  • 在使用眼部護理儀器時,請避開眼部周圍的敏感肌膚,如眼瞼和睫毛。
  • 如果在使用眼部護理儀器後出現任何不適,請立即停止使用並諮詢醫生。


  • 本產品僅供外用。
  • 如果您有以下情況,請勿使用本產品:
    • 對本產品的任何成份過敏。
    • 患有眼部疾病或炎症。
    • 孕婦或哺乳期婦女。
  • 如果您在使用本產品後出現任何不適,請立即停止使用並諮詢醫生。
  • 請將本產品放在兒童接觸不到的地方。

2 in stock


Sliswiss Radiance Revival Set:

Hifu Firming Device + Complimentary Eye Gel

Elevate your skincare routine with SLISWISS exclusive Radiance Revival Set. Unveil the perfect synergy of our state-of-the-art Hifu Firming Device, meticulously crafted for a lifted and youthful complexion. As a special treat, luxuriate in the rejuvenating benefits of our complimentary NMN Resveratrol HIFU Electric Eye Gel—an exquisite fusion of four advanced technologies. Elevate your routine and witness a radiant transformation with this perfect duo, unlocking firmer skin and brighter, revitalized eyes.

Four Modes for Optimal Results:

  1. Warm and Slightly Warm: Detox Eye Mode
  2. EMS Microcurrent: Tightening Eye Mode
  3. Vibration Detoxification: Lymphatic Opening Mode
  4. Illumination Skin Beauty: Beauty Photon Mode

Key Ingredients and Functions:

  • NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide): Promotes cell regeneration for improved elasticity and firmness.
  • Resveratrol: Antioxidant powerhouse, reducing free radicals to delay skin aging.
  • Hyaluronic Acid: Hydrates and moisturizes the delicate skin around the eyes.
  • Vitamin C: Brightens skin tone and diminishes dark circles.
  • Vitamin E: Antioxidant shield, protecting against free radical damage.

Usage Instructions:

  1. Cleansing: Gently cleanse the skin around the eyes.
  2. Application: Apply a small amount of NMN Resveratrol HIFU Electric Eye Gel to the eye area.
  3. Massage: Employ the Sliswiss Eye Suction Machine, massaging each area for 10 seconds.
  4. Routine: Use once daily for four weeks to unveil radiant, youthful eyes.

Indulge in this holistic eye care experience, embracing the perfect synergy of cutting-edge technologies and potent ingredients. Elevate your gaze and let the transformation begin.

For a limited time offer, purchase Sliswiss revolutionary device and receive their revitalizing Eye Gel for free. Elevate your skincare routine and embrace a brighter, more youthful look with Sliswiss Eye Gel.


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